Arte Robótica: Criação de vida artificial para uma sociedade pós-biológica




This work aims to present some theories and methods required to the rtificial life design as per the robotic art patterns. It analyses the main discussions on the life concepts as they may change due to the historiography progress. Currently, the understanding of what is effectively alive has been enlarged due to the cybernetic theories. The cybernetics comprising its propositions on systems made life be perceived as a quality of the matter nteraction rather than a mere quality intrinsic to the matter itself. Thus, it has contributed to the fact of the organic and inorganic spaces be understood ndistinctly making the artificial life possible. Attentive to such question, this work considers the main artists who research it, specifically those who nvestigate the artificial life made real by means of the robotic art. Among he researches on this area, this study aims to achieve those interested on the nvestigation and design of robots able to feel and express their emotions and hen interact with humans. This robot class presented in this work is called pet robot. Due to the theorical and practical features of this research, our contribution will reflect on the construction of a methodological proposal for the pet obots design. Thus, this research will be based on the theorical concepts of he Biology, the selection of the species, the Psychology and Ethology, personality traits composition and animal behavior and engineering, echnological trends and mathematical patterns. We have fulfilled such heorical references by means of the specifications of the artistic designing. The result of this research means the computational simulation of a pet robot n order to test the method proposed.


arte robótica criação de vida artificial para uma sociedade pós-biologica artes

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