Arte em exposição: um pacto entre a imagem poética e a imagem plástica na obra de Carlos Drummond de Andrade.




This research deals with two different expressions of Art, the poetical art and the plastic art, adopting as main reference the book Art in Exhibition by Carlos Drummond de Andrade. It is constituted by poems, which were written from the observation of plastic works. The aim of the research is to elaborate a dialogue between poems of that book with other poems of the same author, its literary criticism and others works that have some reflect on Poetry and Plastic Arts. Six sets of poetry/plastic works from Art in Exhibition are analyzed, seeking to point out the poems with relationship to others of the works of Carlos Drummond de Andrade, besides comparing the plastic images with the verses that they had motivated. Each analysis is preceded of the poem and the reproduction of the paint that inspired it, finishing with some information on these paint and their authors. Through these instruments, we try to delineate a vision that contemplates both expressions - the plastic and the poetical one -, considering the differences between that, but also recognizing important contacts of both manifestations. The conjugation of the two artistic expressions in Art in Exhibition proposes a diverse reading to the observer. The changeability of vision (from a form of expression to the other) can make it more including and the two images, once collated, seem increased of new contents. We believe that the exercise of comparing them allows more varied readings from our perception.


carlos drummond de andrade arte in exhibition plastic expression carlos drummond de andrade linguistica expressão poética poetical expression expressão plástica arte em exposição

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