Arte/Educação na aula de História: um espaço na construção da consciência ambiental




Promoting the sensitization and the construction of the environmental consciousness in the History classes was the goal of this study; it was trying to go deeper into the knowledge that already exists in the relations among History, Landscape, Landscape Painting and Environment. This paper approached the knowledge about environmental history [defended by Worster] to the historical scholar knowledge, with the intention of propitiating learning opportunities for a study inserted in the everyday coastal life. This approximation was done through artistic works from the historical, social, cultural and environmental point of view. It tried to verify the understanding about the environment coming from the students of the first year in high-school, with ages between 14 to 15 years old in the city of Bertioga-SP. Passing by a process of intervention in the History classes, where the researcher was also the teacher who is guided by the principles of the art / education proposed by Ana Mae Barbosa, some reproductions of paintings from the artist Benedito Calixto were used. What interested in Benedito Calixto‟s works was the thematic linked to the paintings of landscapes (natural and marine), in special the creations of the beginning of the twentieth century. After the intervention adjusted to the teaching of research-action expressed by Thiollent, the students dedicated themselves to the development of their artistic skills when they created visual poetic forms, based on photographs, for, this way, show in an artistic way the interaction between the man ant the environment. Some of these photographs served as a disclosure to the process of environmental degradation and the decrease in quality of life, other photographs were used as a way to value the natural beauty that are still preserved. With this, it was verified through questionnaires that appeared new comprehension in what was understood about the environment. For the analysis of the investigation in a qualitative order, the method Bardin was used, that, when classified categories using unities of register, it permitted a safer interpretation and made it easier the decisions during the intervention. This way, it was possible to find out that the experiences of art / education developed with the students made it possible the enrichment of the history classes and offered conditions that helped the construction of the environmental consciousness of the students involved.


ciencias humanas art educação história ambiental consciência ambiental aula de história education history class high school ensino médio environmental history arte environmental consciousness

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