Art therapy with hospitalized children. / "Arteterapia com crianças hospitalizadas"




Hospitalization establishes a crisis in children’s lives and affects both their organic and mental realms, thus determining various behavioral disorders and interrupting normal development. Therefore, working with hospitalized children is fundamental in order to alleviate the negative effects of the disease, hospitalization and treatment which threaten their normal psychosocial development. Art therapy, a means of expression and creation, re-establishes the child’s normal form of communication with other people; through it the child expands his/her knowledge about the world and develops both mentally and socially, and for this reason, it must be present in all children’s lives, particularly of those who are hospitalized. This work aimed at analyzing the effects of using art therapy with hospitalized children. It is a study with a quasi-experimental approach based on quantitative analyses of behavioral and developmental changes in hospitalized children as well as of the configured images. Twenty children participated in the study and they were distributed into two groups: experimental group (n=10) and control group (n=10). The children comprising the experimental group were submitted to art therapy interventions and were evaluated through pre-established instruments prior to and after the interventions. Those in the control group were also evaluated in the period; however, the interventions were not used. Data analysis showed that the children in the experimental group improved their behavior, plastic development and plastic production in opposition to those in the control group, who maintained more uniform behaviors. Art therapy constituted an excellent means to positively guide the hospitalized child’s development variables as well as to neutralize the naturally arising affection-related factors, in addition to exposing the child’s healthiest potentials which are seldom stimulated in the hospitalization setting.


hospitalized child saúde mental terapia pela arte criança hospitalizada mental health art therapy

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