Arranjos produtivos locais industriais: empresários e governança em Jaguaruana (CE)




The proposal of this study is to examine the Local Productive Arrangement (APL) in the perspective of the governance. For such purpose it was chosen the cluster about hammocks from Jaguaruana, Ceará, the greater producer of the state. The APL are considered, currently, essential elements in the process of national development, that are present in strategy of kinds of ministries. However, the cluster to be succeed, depend on the configuration that assumes its governance, understood in the double strategy between producers and organizational confidence, which gives graters or minors successfully possibilities in the economy. For the demonstration of that assertive, it was studied the APL from Jaguaruana, initially in its regional concept, and after, inside, considering its composition and dynamic economy. Some studies from SEBRAE, which the author of this study commanded some or participated. The currently moment is extremely propitious for this study, because, the Jaguaruanas Cluster is considered as an essential part from SEBRAEs strategy in the perspective of the strategically management guided for results, being an object of many interventions as an objective of becoming stronger. The conclusion of the study shows internal and external difficulties in its governance, which must be analyzed with the objective of the survival and development of APL


local productive arrangement arranjo produtivo local cooperação confiança. governance trust. cooperation outros governança

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