Arquiteturas contínuas e topologia: similaridades em processo / Continuous architectures and topology: similarities in process




This research aims to analyse topology’s state of the art. Nowadays topology is a key player in the dialogues that architecture has historically stablished with other areas of knowledge. This work points out and systematizes contemporary approximations with topology made by architects and developes their ideas by means of the concept of topologic processual diagram. This threefold concept (topology, process, diagram) is investigated in different areas such cognitive science, logic (mathematics and semiotics) and philosophy, in order to enrich the analyse of its actuation in the field of topology. In this analysis, the topologic processual diagram is described as an operative-representational medium of spatial structural relations (the object’s topology), with three variables: thought, space and time. Finally, this concept is investigated within the realm of the project and representation in architecture, building up a critical dialogue with diagrams, its use and reference, as performed by paradigmatic contemporary architects - Bernard Tschumi, Peter Eisenman, Greg Lynn, Rem Koolhaas, MVRDV, Ben van Berkel, Lars Spuybroek and others


diagramas topology arquitetura contemporânea contemporary architecture processo projetual diagrams design process topologia

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