Arquitetura forense do Estado de São Paulo: produção moderna, antecedentes e significados / Forensic architecture of the State of São Paulo: modern production, antecedents and meanings




With the introduction of a government plan with ideas of modernization: the action plan - Page, by Carvalho Pinto (1959-1963), young architects found soil to cultivate their ideas of a new architecture, through the generation of new spaces which would allow new social behaviors. Administrative, organizational and financial activities were structured around a main project, to improve state modernization, particularly in the rural part, structured through the material modernization and social and cultural modernism. This aim was coordinated by a planning group responsible for the mixing of these actions. Associating both cultural modernism, through modern architectonic forms, which should represent modernity, and social modernism, through new space arrangements, which should make justice more accessible, the forensic buildings projected by modern architects are paradigmatic parts of this process. Their new actions questioned the traditional space negotiations, introduced new constructive and typological characteristics and rethought the relation with the surroundings. It is worth mentioning that throughout the first half of twentieth century forensic buildings, implemented by DOP (from 1920), still had in its negotiation of space forms of use similar to those of the extinct house of commons and prison, colonial models, where services known as noblest occupied the superior floor, which had fancier finishing. The recursive symbology of these building, the use of greco-roman ornaments and elements aimed to confer monumentality. Even when a fore-standardization of these buildings is indicated from the50s, this condition is present. The new production phase through modern buildings has a more complex objective, involving a new form of knowing and doing architecture, noted in introduction of new technologies, concepts and relations which interact, making out a macrocosmos of questions. Bratke in Amparo uses a huge atrium of distribution open and fluid; in Araras, Fábio Pented conceives a forum from a covered court-yard for circulation, extracting the court of jury from the building body for multiple use of local population; conception also adopted in Avaré by Paulo Mendes da Rocha; in Amparo, Libesking, and in Piracicaba, with Reydi, the buildings emphasize the independence of structure in favor or a bigger plastic expressivity of the piece; in Orlândia, Wilhein bring near environments of a higher public use in its surroundings, fruition also evident in Itapira with Joaquim Guedes; in Promissão, Artigas and Cascaldi use this influence critically, articulated with ramps diluting one-direction observation fields with recurring lost steps; in Porto Feliz, Botti and Rubin face modulation and fore-produced elements, respecting functionality for justice services. Although they proposed a breaking of paradigms adopted in forensic production, this production opposes itself by using a new symbology, which, in a certain way, expressed state modernization, noted in its formal aspects and social meaning of its projects. However, the adjustment for justice services was troubled. The diversities of this production, allied with inappropriations found in its formulas, had as an answer a standard production. This new course, even though it serves as a basis for new forums until now, did not eliminate all difficulties pointed in previous productions. The production made possible by the PAGE reveals that the representation of the modernization of Brazil, in this case São Paulo, is associated to the proposal of new activities of social relations, through more democratic spaces. Besides obtaining a new comprehension field, when discovering how the interior of the state participated in the development chart of the country, projecting the representation of a nation which banned its delay, contributing in the diffusion of the modern architecture.


arquitetura forense forensic buildings page plano de ação page arquitetura moderna modern architecture action plan

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