Arquitetura estratigráfica e arcabouço estrutural dos depósitos fluviais albianos da base da Formação São Mateus no Norte da Bacia do Espírito Santo


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The main aim of this dissertation is make at the high-resolution stratigraphic subdivision of the basal section from the São Mateus Formation, Albian the Espírito Santo Basin. The interval studied is consists predominantly of alluvial deposits. Against the difficulties presented for the stratigraphic correlation of these deposits, as discussed by Wright &Marriott (1993), McCabe &Shanley (1993 and 1994), the strategy of correlation was the subdivide of the succession alluvial on the stratigraphic cycles, sensu Ramón &Cross ( 1997).The method of such researchers is based on the variation in the ratio between the rates of creation of accommodation and supply sediment (A: S) that directly controls the degree of amalgamation of sandstone bodies of the fluvial channels. Therefore, six cycles were defined composed internally for systems tracts of high and low accommodation can be defined. Stratigraphic and structural data were integrated (SRTM - Shuttle Radar Topography Mission and maps of the stratigraphic surfaces defined in the correlation cross-sections), allowing the definition of the main lineament trends that influenced the accumulation and, subsequently, the compartmentalization of the alluvial deposits from the São Mateus Formation into the diverse building blocks. This study mainly aims at proposing methods and serve as a case study for (1) exploratory and stratigraphic analysis in sedimentary successions consist exclusively of fluvial systems, and (2) integration of stratigraphic and structural data for syn-tectonic and post-depositional analysis in areas without seismic coverage or low quality, based thus, in lineaments and geomorphological features of the terrain.


estratigrafia de sequencias sistema fluvial arcabouço estratigráfico arcabouço estrutural espírito santo, bacia do (es e ba)

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