Arquitetura de conexão de dispositivos multimidia em ambientes distribuidos / Multimedia devices connection architecture in distributed environments




: Multimedia application development is a complex activity due to variety sophistication and particularity of such applications, especially those intended for working on distributed environment. A framework called MMS (Multimedia System Services) has been proposed with the goal of providing abstractions with respect to specific features of platforms, media and transport system to support the multimedia application developer?s work. This work presents an implementation proposal to the virtual connection service defined in MSS, using a CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) environment as infrastructure to distributed objects. It encompasses the MSS implementation. This work points out the importance of using a framework to support multimedia application development. Conclusions show that the MSS specification is completely adequated to support the features of this kind of application


processamento eletronico de dados - processamento distribuido programação orientada a objetos (computação) redes de computação

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