Around the seeing: the formation of Goethes morphological method / Em torno do olhar: a formação do método morfológico de Goethe




This study aims to present the steps of Goethes Morphological method, from its birth in relation to the natural sciences, still linked with the sign of Spinoza, to the trial of forming an objective method. As his intention was to study the forms and the formation in the organic world, the poet has found himself in confrontation with the stages of the development from seeing, and afterwards in an investigation of the spirit in terms of the distance that exists between us and the phenomenon. From the Italian journey, when Goethe learned to respect the forms in its nature without linking them with the subjectivity, to his last years of life, Goethe never gave up the intention of an approach to the natural beings. But this process was formulated as an organism, searching new forms to try to know the nature as something as he described, that acts it is life and development from an unknown center to an unknowledgeable boundary. In this way he tried to figure out an attempt to a symbolic knowledge of the world of nature and its forms, as nature is not a thing that we can evoke as an open secret, or as a thing that presents itself directly in our forms of representing. We need to find a way that attempts to these particularities and this is the concentrating point of the goethean´s morphological way. As can be seen, it is not a made method, instead, it is a method in perpetual making.


natureza nature natural sciences ciência de goethe goethe s science ciências naturais morfologia morphology

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