Armazenamento do leite de cabra cru em diferentes temperaturas por diferentes períodos e influência nas qualidades microbiológica, físico-química e sensorial do produto pasteurizado / Raw goat milk storage at different temperatures for different periods and influence in microbiological, pshysical-chemical and sensorial qualities in pasteurized product




Different periods of storage (0, 3 and 6 days) and temperatures (4 and 10ºC) effects of raw goat milk on pasteurized product were evaluated. Microbiological and physical-chemical alterations in raw and pasteurized goat milk stored for up six days were evaluated. Pasteurization (65ºC/30 minutes) was used and samples were kept at 10ºC for 0, 3 and 6 days. Counting of mesophiles, total, lipolytic and proteolytic psichotrophic bacteria, total and fecal coliforms were determined. The microorganisms populations had higher growth at 10ºC than 4ºC and samples didn´t resist for 6 days in this condition. Pasteurization was efficient to reduce the number of microorganisms. Lipolytic, proteolytic and total psicrotrophic bacteria weren´t detected after pasteurization. Mesophiles and psichrotophic microrganisms populations reached 106 cfu/mL in all experiments at 10ºC at third day of storage. At 4ºC, this population was exceeded at sixth day. Pasteurization was efficient to reduce the number of microorganisms. Lipolytic, proteolytic and total psicrotrophic bacteria were not detected during pasteurized product storage. Mesophiles microorganisms also reduced. Alterations in raw milk during storage influenced physicalchemical characteristics after pasteurization. Acidity in raw milk remained acceptable in all of experiments at 4ºC. In stored raw milk at 10ºC, acidity remained acceptable only up to third day after milking in 2 of 3 experiments. It was observed decrease in raw milk fat content during storage in both temperatures and gradual increase of free fatty acids (FFA). After heat treatment, the values of acidity and fat content remained stable, while FFA continued increasing significantly. For raw milk storage at 10ºC pasteurization was efficient to keep sensorial quality in acceptable levels when raw milk was pasteurized in the same day of milking and cooling, while in storage at 4ºC, raw milk stored per 6 days was rejected only in third day after pasteurization. In sensorial analysis, stored milk at 10ºC had as main cause of rejection the acid odor and flavor, while at 4ºC, the rejection was given mainly for the capric flavor. It was concluded that raw goat milk can be kept for up to 3 days at 4ºC before the heat treatment for pasteurized product have six days of shelf-life and that the temperature 10ºC does not have to be used as an instrument of raw milk conservation.


goat milk quality leite lipólise milk refrigeration microbiologia de alimentos milk microbiology lipolysis conservacão de alimentos pelo frio qualidade dos alimentos bioquímica de alimentos

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