Argumentação: um recurso semiótico-discursivo nos processos iniciais de escolarização / Argumentação: um recurso semiótico-discursivo nos processos iniciais de escolarização




This study aimed to investigate the use of argumentation as a discursive-semiotic approach for elementary school children mediation. The study was motivated by the results of international and national evaluations of Brazilian elementary education, which highlight function illiteracy issues and reveal Brazilian education scenario. It is known that the proposals presented in National Curricula Patterns have not made significant changes in educational praxis for reading and writing development. This research relies on a historicalcultural perspective based on Vigotski theories, as well as in the understanding that consciousness is shaped by social interaction process, in which signs are the substance for its development, according to Bakhtin. Therefore, argumentation, used as a discursive-semiotic approach that allows explanations of points of view, to take opposite perspectives into consideration, and to reinforce points of view, might rise out in individuals pondering thoughts or metacognitive process to create knowledge. The data were obtained from a nineyear elementary class from a public school located in Gama, Federal District. Fifteen children, 7-8 years old, participated in the research, and formed a discussion group, but were not split from the rest of the class. All sessions were videotaped and transcribed, and the data provided a microgenetic analysis. The results show the engagement of the participants in argumentative process, point out that pedagogical strategies focused in argumentation use reinforce knowledge creation and the development of metacognitive function. Argumentation also reinforced consciousness process in students, incidents from daily happenings related to reading and writing, delineating the focus on literacy.


alfabetização learning educacao argumentação literacy estratégia pedagógica letramento teaching strategies aprendizagem argumentation

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