Argilominerais em solos de manguezais da costa brasileira / Clay minerals in mangrove soils of Brazilian coast




Mangroves are transitional ecosytems between continental and marine environments. Its widely distributed along Brazilian coast under great variability of climatic, oceanographic, geological and geomorphological conditions. Its soil mineralogy has a relevant role in the pedogenic processes and biogeochemical behavior of nutrients and potential inorganic and organic pollutants substances. The present study evaluated the mineralogical composition of fine fractions (silt, clay and fine clay) of eight Brazilian mangrove soils of south to north coast using XRD, infrared spectrometry and TEM analyses. The mineralogical assemblage of clay fraction consists on kaolinite, smectite, ferric illite and traces of quartz and gibbsite. In fine clay fraction it can be observed great amounts of kaolinite and smectites, probably ferric, associated with 2:1 hydroxy interlayered minerals beyond poorly crystalline illite-smectite interstratified minerals. Semi-quantification data and kaolinite/illite crystallographic characteristics reveal the importance of geological materials of continental adjacent areas for mineralogical composition of mangrove soils. Thus three different patterns were identified along the coast: mangrove influenced directly by sediments derived from soils developed on geological materials of Pre-Cambrian basement rocks, with poorly crystalline kaolinites, illite transformed from diagenetic mica present in Pre-Cambrian and authigenic smectites; mangroves next to Tertiary Barreiras Group sediments, with better crystalline kaolinites and less amounts of 2:1 phyllosilicates; and mangroves under influence of sediments that come from soils developed under northeastern semi-arid climate (less weathered), evidenced by great amounts of inherited and neoformed 2:1 phyllosilicates and poorly-crystalline illite. More specific studies about clay minerals chemical composition and its geochemical formation mechanisms should be performed in future, for better understanding of proposed processes and its relation with the biogeochemical dynamics of certain elements in this environment, specially the iron present in phyllosilicates.


clay minerals difração por raios x ecossistemas de mangue illite interestratified minerals. kaolinite mangrove mangrove soils microscopia eletrônica. mineralogia do solo smectite

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