Areia - ParaÃba: morfologia e desenvolvimento urbano (sÃculos XVIII, XIX e XX)




This dissertation studies the process of formation and urban growth of Areia, a small city in the State of ParaÃba, Brazil, between the 18th and 20th centuries, from the point of view of the Urban Morphology and of Brazilian urban historical studies. We argue that the form and pattern of development of Areia, little mentioned in the urban colonial studies, corresponds to those of other cities of Colonial Brazil, such as Ouro Preto (MG), Tiradentes (MG), AlcÃntara (MA) and Vassouras (RJ). The similarities between Areia and other cities can be found in their setting and urban form, particularly in their origins as stops along penetration routes, as a result of the merging of different and tiny settlements, or even in the process of economic decline caused by their exclusion from the railway networks. Such analogies show many points of contact of Areia with Brazilian colonial cities, despite of the fact that its major period of growth occurred during the 19th century, and ratify the need to include Areia in the map of urban Brazilian urban historical studies. The shape of the built environment and the process of growth of Areia are studied with the contribution of the urban morphology tools, with the purpose of identifying its particularities and similarities in the Brazilian contex


histÃria urbana urban development morfologia urbana desenvolvimento urbano urban morphology arquitetura e urbanismo urban history

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