Aproximando sentidos: formação de professores, educação, drogas e ações redutoras de vulnerabilidade




The present research is a study about teachers initial education (Pedagogy course) and about the task of preventive education against drug abuse at school. In light of the method of Existential Phenomenology, this dissertation aims to study the deconstruction of the current preventive models: Intolerance and War against Drugs and Prevention that Lives with Differences. After characterizing the prohibitionist model as indicating a posture that makes it difficult for teachers to combine the preventive and the educational functions, the study elaborates guidelines for a new preventive model against drug abuse: teachers preventive task at school is understood as the development of actions that reduce their students vulnerability. Through the reflective collective interview, I investigated the meaning that the preventive work against drug abuse has for a group of students of the third year of the pedagogy course, educated in the preventive model defended in this piece of research. The study showed that the notion of vulnerability, the Harm Reduction Liberating Approach and bringing the meaning of educating closer to the meaning of preventing were important elements for the appropriation of the preventive task in the investigated group, mainly due to the fact that they were dealt with during the teachers initial education (pedagogy course). However, the education for prevention developed in the initial education period must be understood as the beginning of a process: if it is not lapidated through time by means of continuing education, it may become meaningless, close to the unauthentic way of being, worn out by time. Thus, it is clearly important to think about teachers education for drug abuse prevention as a continuum, so as to educate teachers aiming at more authentic educational actions, constructing and strengthening a permanent care network between teacher and student. Therefore, this piece of research showed a direction in which we can overcome difficulties in teachers education for the drug abuse preventive task; in fact, a sense: that of knowledge (notion of vulnerability and liberating harm reduction), of attitude (bringing the meaning of educating closer to the meaning of preventing), and of time (initial and continuing education)


fenomenologia formação de professores phenomenology vulnerabilidade drogas -- abuso -- prevencao drogas -- abuso -- estudo e ensino drogas professores -- formacao profissional psicologia prevention prevenção drugs redução de danos teachers education

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