Aproximação entre a lógica e a ética no Tractatus logico-philosophicus de Ludwig Wittgenstein




This study is about Ludwig Wittgenstein, one of the most significant 20th century thinkers. The understanding process of his work can be established in two ways. The former, called orthodox, defends that ideas contained in Tractatus Logico- Philosophicus are eminently fruits of his logical analysis. The latter, known less orthodox: defends that themes developed in his work only acquired sense when life and culture, which such work was originated, were considered. The latter way is defended in this work. The main objective is showing how central elements of this Vienna philosopher thought, Logic an Ethics: are related. We affirm, therefore, the condition of possibility in the relationship between these two fields of knowledge is based on the notion of voluntary act.


wittgenstein, ludwig, $d 1889-1951 lógica filosofia Ética

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