Apropriação pedagógica da hora-atividade como espaço para formação de professores em serviço : um estudo sobre a organização do trabalho docente em Telêmaco Borba - PR




The planning and preparation period has recently become part of the Elementary Education context in the state, comprising 20% of the teacher?s hired workload. According to the law which established the practice, studying is one of the activities teachers should undertake during this time. With this regard, this study aimed at investigating the planning and preparation period as a space for in-service continued education for Elementary School teachers. In order to fulfill this goal, the study started off with a background check on the pedagogical work organization and of planning and preparation period as a political achievement, discussing how education has been conceived considering the actual reality and its contradictions, as well as the prestige denied to the teacher figure as Brazilian education develops. The research focused the works developed in two public schools from Telêmaco Borba, in the state of Paraná, Brazil, using it as a sample of the education universe, which can contribute for an analysis and reflection on how education is being carried out in schools. Several interviews were performed with teachers and staff from one Middle School (5th to 8th grades) and a Middle and High School (5th to 12th grades) to find out how they perform planning and preparation period and how they evaluate it. The collected data were analyzed under the light of the literature and documents selected along different stances of the system in order to understand the movements and contradictions of this context. The results pointed out that teachers realize planning and preparation period is a consequence of a political struggle by teachers, one that eases the load in carrying out their tasks. Moreover, teachers understand the importance of continued formation and try to study during planning and preparation period. However, some argue that this space is still insufficient for this. By establishing a relation between planning and preparation period and in-service continued education, teacher generally emphasize the richness of this space for the exchange of experiences with their colleagues and for the integration of different subjects? work, which indicates the possibility that in service education during planning and preparation period is in fact possible. Nevertheless, this issue cannot be treated independently, but rather through the interest and commitment from all persons who make up the educational universe, since it seems essential to increase planning and preparation period so that all the ?teacher-related work? required to a better ?pedagogic work? can be performed in it.


pedagogia política educacional educação básica - hora-atividade

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