Aprendendo e ensinando sobre os cuidados com o filho prematuro: a vivência de mães em um programa de educação em saúde / Learning and teaching about the care to your preterm baby: the experience of mothers in a health educational program




The educational practice directed to mothers of preterm babies in some hospitals still happens in a traditional way without any active participation of the clientele in the process. In an effort to better prepare mothers for the hospital leave of their preterm babies, visualizing the possibility of building with them knowledge concerning the care to their preterm children, we felt motivated to perform the present study having as specific objectives: describing the development process of a Health Educational Program mediated by the use of an educational booklet directed to the mothers of preterm babies using participative methodology ; analyzing the perception of these mothers on the experience lived in the program and evaluating their acquisition of cognitive knowledge about the care to their children by participating in the program. This project is an educational intervention research based on Paulo Freires problematization referential and using quantitative and qualitative approaches.38 mothers of preterm babies staying in the Intermediate Care Neonatal Unit of a public university hospital in the city of Ribeirão Preto -SP participated in the study. The Health Educational Program consisted of group educational activities supported by the use of the booklet: "Care to the preterm baby: family orientation. The participants received the educational booklet and after reading it joined the educational groups coordinated by the researcher using the problematization method. The group activity was initiated with a presentation followed by relaxation techniques and, later on, the contents of the booklet as well as the information received from these mothers in relation to the care to their preterm babies aiming at the hospital leave were compiled in a participative way. The participants were also stimulated to express their opinions about their experience in the program. The educational groups were filmed and the non verbal behaviors were transcripted in full from the film footage. Another data collection technique was a structured interview pre and post intervention oriented by a questionnaire with 46 questions about the care to the preterm. The knowledge of each participant was classified according to the number of correct answers to the questionnaire as follows: insufficient (up to 11), fair (12 to 23) good (24 to 35) and excellent (36 to 46). A thematic analysis was used in the qualitative analysis of the mothers` dialogs. The project has been approved by the Ethics Committee of the hospital. Each mother attended one or two educational meetings, with an average duration of one to two hours, developed through a participative methodology supported by techniques of therapeutic communication such as staying silent, reflexive listening, verbalizing of interests and acceptance and, asking questions thus promoting the dialog and exchange of experiences. The educational booklet in spite of not being thoroughly read by the participants in the study, proved to be an important tool for consultation after the preterm hospital discharge besides assisting the family in the acquisition of knowledge. In relation to the mothers perception of the experience lived in the Health Educational Group, we verified that all the participants considered it to be important in four thematic levels: the knowledge received from the Health Educational Program, the possibility of socializing the knowledge with the family members, the Health Educational Program as a space for relaxation and listening and the development of an affective link with other mothers and with the nurse. We verified in the pretest that 5 mothers (13, 2%) presented fair knowledge, 29 (76, 3%) good and 4 (10, 5%) excellent, and in the post test all of them (100%) presented excellent knowledge thus demonstrating the positive impact of the educational intervention. Comparing the results of the pre and post tests there was a statistically significant relative gain with the mothers with lower schooling level and who participated in Educational Groups with less duration and fewer participants. The questions with the highest number of wrong answers were related to clothing of the baby. The conclusion was that the participation of these mothers in educational activities using the participative methodology, with the use of the educational booklet, made the acquisition of cognitive knowledge and the exchange of experiences possible as well as making the moments of education in health more pleasant. What stands out is the importance of new proposals in Education in Health, in order to contribute to the construction of a thorough more creative, innovative and participative assistance.


mães neonatal nursing newborn educação em saúde prematuro enfermagem neonatal health education recém-nascido preterm mothers.

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