Aprendendo a ser negro : reinterpretações acerca da identidade étnica em São Cristóvão - MA




The construction of a rhetoric based on ethnical and racial identities of the so called rural black communities has happened, in the last few years, based on intense contact between these communities and external agents who, together, create identitary speeches oriented in supposed relations between these people and Africa, in their self-identification as black and in their condition of a quilombola community, according to the definition of Article 68 of ADCT. The present study deals with the case of São Cristóvão, a quilombola community located in the municipality of Viana, Maranhão Brazil, where the project Self-Esteem of Black Children was implemented by the state government. I develop, in this study, a reflection about the speech negotiations and reinterpretations concerning ethnic identity that took place in this community from the arrival of that Project. By means of self-identification categories used by local residents before the state presence, I intend to indicate that the community has been through a process of learning to be black.


comunidades negras rurais comunidades remanescentes de quilombos identidade étnica antropologia negro negociações discursivas

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