Aprendendo a pensar, pensando o aprender : as origens afetivas do pensar




The subject "learning how to think thinking the learning" refers to a theoretical and practical investigation about a "bion-kleinian psychoanalytical theory of the teaching¬learning process." The theoretical investigation wa~ developed in the interface of philosophy (Heidegger), pedagogy (Freire) and psychoanalysis, in a course of development which begins in Freud, goes through Klein and gets to Bion. The practical investigation concerns the use of the psychoanalytically inspired method of self-organization, by the author herself, as she thought about her own learning experiences related to the preparation of the thesis. Such experiences refer to the thesis orientations (which due to the nature of the method and to its psychoanalytical inspiration also included clinical supervisions) and to the psychoanalytical writing. In this sense, the title "learning how to think, thinking the learning" intends to mean an investigation where theme and method are intimately entwined. Starting from the consideration that learning and human development go pari passu", there is an attempt to circumscribe the characteristics of a "traditional" view of the teaching-Iearning process, pointing out its effects, in terms of imprisonment of the capacity and of the liberty of thought and of development of submissive, dependent personalities, alienated ITom themselves and ITom the environment in which they live, imprisoned m their possibilities to be or to "become". In search for an alternative which piovides to the learners (and also to tho~e who teach), the development of a free thinking, of an autonomous personality and subject to transformations towards the individual providing that he becomes more and more himself and more and more human, one investigates and tries to circumscribe the factors which are present in a "bion-kleinian psychoanalytical theory of learning".The interest in investigating this theory lies in the possibility of thinking about ways of communication between parents and children, favorable to the development and improvement of better levels of mental health, and also between teachers and students, particularly in the context of the courses of formation of psychologists. In the context of a "bion-kleinian psychoanalytical theory of learning", learning means to learn how to think departing from the emotional experience. This means that the thought is considered an emotional-cognitive activity, where one can emphasize, in its origins and development, the following factors, among others: desire, tolerance to frustration and the presence of an emotionallink which tries to receive and to give meaning to the emotional experiences whic~ are experienced. In the "Final Considerations" the author, departing from the theoretical study, from her experience with the method, and from her own transformations, systematizes what she denominates "a bion-k1einian psychoanalytical theory of the teaching-Iearning process", in terms of its factors and of the consequences of its use in terms of the transformations in development which it results in the one who learns, but also in the one who teaches


pensamento psicologia da aprendizagem

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