Aprendendo a andar com as proprias pernas : o processo de mobilização nos movimentos sociais do Oeste Catarinense




At the second half of the 70 s the West Region of Santa Catarina started to feel the affects of agricultural modernization in a very sharp way, which unbalanced the traditional fami1y agricultural production. The aggravation of 1ife conditions ed to the arising of a mobilization process which culminated with the organization of four farmer s social movements, characterized by strugg lig, level of organization and capacity of overcoming the local limits the Landless 1ivement., the Agricultural Women Movement, the Movement of People Who Lost their Land Because of Dam Constructions and the Union Oposition Movement. Nevertheless, the arising of such movements hawe only beem possible due to the existence of a sttutural institution based on the population, to which the farmer s families were connected and that made possible the structuralization and/or reprograming of several communicative interative spaces which reestablished the communication process, a new critical discourse arouse concerning de social historical conditions lived by the population. Thus, this led them to an advance and deeper unders tanding and the transformation of their normative structures. These ones, hawe worked as path openers for the arising of new solutions and new forms of reacting to the challenges established by social historical conditions. Concerning the given conditions, the triggering of such elucidating pedagogical process has beem favoured by some sociocultural characteristics of the population. Therefore, the understanding of the arising of such movementslead us consider the structural causes as well as the communicative actions developed at the historical movement in which i t has been triggered the mobilization and organization process. This dissertation focuses on collecting data and analising the factors whit have contributed to the arising of the organizations and mobilization processo We will work based on spoken reports given by the leardrs of the movement and religious people


movimentos sociais - santa catarina

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