Application of artificial neural networks commitee machine in the solution of an inverse radiative transfer problem / Aplicação de máquinas de comitê de redes neurais artificiais na solução de um problema inverso em transferência radiativa




This work is based on the concept of neural networks committee machine and has the objective to solve the inverse radiative transfer problem in one-dimensional, homogeneous, absorbing and isotropic scattering media. The artificial neural networks committee machine adds and combines the knowledge acquired by an exact number of specialists which are represented, individually, by each one of the artificial neural networks (ANN) that composes the artificial neural network committee machine. The aim is to reach a final result better than the one obtained by any of the artificial neural network separately, selecting only those artificial neural networks that presents the best results during the generalization phase and discarding the others, what was done in this present work. Here are used two static models of committee machines, using the ensemble arithmetic average, that differ between themselves only by the composition of the output combinator by each one of the committee machine. Are obtained, using artificial neural networks committee machines, estimates for the radiative transfer parameters, that is, medium optical thickness, single scattering albedo and diffuse reflectivities. Finally, the results obtained with both models of committee machine are compared between themselves and with those found using artificial neural networks type multi-layer perceptrons (MLP), isolated. Here that artificial neural networks are named as specialists neural networks, showing that the technique employed brings performance and results improvements with relatively low computational cost.


matematica aplicada committee machine problemas inversos (equações diferenciais) perceptron de múltiplas camadas redes neurais (computação) inverse problems (differential equations) neural networks (computer science) multi-layer-perceptron radiação transferência radiative transfer máquina de comitê

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