Aplication of solid waste coming from manufacturing of the gas cookers into cement parts / Aplicações de resíduo sólido proveniente do processo de fabricação de fogões domésticos em peças de argamassa de cimento




The BSH Continental Eletrodomésticos Ltda, gas cooker manufacturer, situated in São Paulo capital city, generates approximately 240 t of solid waste each year which comes from the painting and enameling processes This residue , commonly named as silt , is comprised of inorganic material impregnated with fluorides , zinc , clorids , barium , sodium among others chemicals elements , which confer to exactly the residue classification class IIA not-dangerous and not inert. This paperwork has been developed with the aim of reuse it in the fabrication of cement mortar devices. The studies have been carried out in 48 specimen produced with 0%, 1%, 5% and 10% of residue in weight in substitution of sand in a proportion of 1:4.The tests of compressive strength, leaching and solubility have shown satisfactory results for the 1% residue specimen, which led to the conclusion to be viable for its use in pilot tests, and as a consequence a possible adoption into the fabrication of cement mortar devices in a near future


aplicação de resíduo sólido pintura cookers outros fabricação de fogão esmaltação application of solid waste painting and artifacts of ciments tratamento de efluente mitigação de impactos ambientais fogões domésticos artefatos de argamassa enameling processo industrial argamassa de cimento

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