Aplicações multilineares completamente absolutamente somantes




In this work, we have as main goal the study of the fully absolutely summing multilinear map- pings. The theory of this new class of continuous multilinear mappings was presented by Matos (see [21]), whose work was motivated by his solution of a question of Pietsch about Hilbert Schmidt operators (see [20]). We also introduce other classes of mappings, among them, the fully almost summing, the fully weakly summing and the fully mixing summing. With the study of such operators, we extend some results of the linear and multilinear theory of the ab- solutely summing operators to these mappings, among them, a result of Kwapién for dominated mappings and a result of Botelho involving cotype. Moreover, we study an important relation between the absolutely summing operators and the fully absolutely summing ones.


operadores lineares espaços de polinomios analise funcional banach

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