Aplicações harmonicas, estruturas-f, toros e superficies de Riemann nas variedades homogeneas




In this work we study the geometry of invariant f-structures and f-holomorphic curves on flag manifolds, and the construction of the equiharmonic tori on full complex flag manifolds which are not f-holomophic for any invariant f-estructure. Moreover we relate the tournament theory with the almost-complex on a flag manifolds. We compute the second variation of energy for harmonic closed Riemann surfaces into flag manifolds equipped with the Borel type metrics then we discuss stability for Frenet frames of holomorphics maps with respect to a very large class de invariants metrics F(N) obtained via perturbation of the Kãhler ones. Finally we proof that the metric Killing on F(N) is (1,2)-simplétic if and only if N :S 3


torneios aplicações holomorfas geometria diferencial variedades complexas

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