Aplicación de herramientas computacionales al estudio morfotaxonómico del género Merremia (Convolvulaceae) en Venezuela






Abstract The implementation of software is an alternative to help with objective characterization of taxa. In a review of Merremia for Venezuela the language and software of the DELTA system were used. To define the table of characters/states, published descriptions of the taxa recorded in Venezuela were analyzed and compared with the observed variability in 129 Operational Taxonomic Units (OTU´s) (VEN, MY, and PORT herbarium specimens, phototypes and taxa descriptions), resulting in a matrix of 209 quantitative and qualitative characters. OTU morphological variability was codified using Delta Editor and distance matrices were obtained with PAST software to establish the taxonomic delimitation using ordering and clustering multivariate analyses. The descriptions of OTUs recognized as belonging to each taxon in the multivariate analyses were consolidated using INTKEY. The latter were reintroduced into DELTA Editor to perform natural language descriptions, and to obtain both dichotomy and multi-input keys for the INTKEY software. The results confirmed the presence of 12 species of Merremia in Venezuela and allowed the recognition of new characters for differentiation among taxa.

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