Aplicação do transformador defasador para o amortecimento de oscilações eletromecanicas de baixa frequencia em sistemas de energia eletrica / Application of the shifting transformer for damping power systems low-frequency electromechanical oscillations




This dissertation presents an assessment of the performance of PST (Phase Shifting Transformer) equipped with a supplemental controller for damping power systems low-frequency electromechanical oscillations. The dynamic model that represents the PST is implemented in the Power Sensitivity Model (PSM). The stability analysis and the design of POD (Power Oscillation Damping) stabilizers are based on modal analysis, Hopf bifurcations, root locus plots and time and frequency response techniques. The performance of different input signals to the controllers is investigated. The results obtained reveal that the PST, when equipped with stabilizers, has a great potential for keeping power systems small-signal angle stability


estabilidade eletromechanical oscillations pst transformadores eletricos pod sistemas de energia eletrica psm small-signal angle stability oscilações

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