Aplicação de metodos de previsão de assoreamento de reservatorios




Reservoir silting is a matter which, for obvious reasons, deserves more and more attention on the part of engineers involved in tlhe planing and design of water resources systems. Although there is abundant literature on this topic and on related areas, such papers are dispersed in specialized periodicals or organized in publications such as "Sedimentation Engineering" (VANONI. ed.. 1977), for example, which are directed more toward the study of the matter than toward the technique in practice. This work, which is based on extensive bibliographic research, consists of the sistematization, the exposition in detail and the discussion of the procedures used in estimating reservoir silting. It is intended for use by enginners who are not specia1is ls in this area, of empirical. A pratica1 example is presented, whth the application methods to the estimation of reservoir silting a the future Te1êmaco Borba hydroeletric plant on the Tibagi River, Paraná


sedimentação e depositos reservatorio - sedimentação - modelos matematicos

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