Aplicação de métodos bibliométricos e da "Co-Word Analysis" na avaliação da literatura científica brasileira em ciências da saúde de 1990 a 2002 / Application of bibliometric methods and "Co-Word Analysis" of Brazilian scientific literature in health sciences, 1990-2002.




This work analyzed Brazilian scientific production in the health sciences field by analysis of publications present in the database "Web of knowledge" in the period from 1990 to 2002. The study covered 3,066 journals in this field of knowledge. During this period a total of 38,349 Brazilian publications were found. Bibliometric analysis and "co-word analysis" were used to measure the scientific activity in health sciences. A statistical software package (Statistical Package for Social Science – SPSS) was used to determine traditional bibliometric analysis. The words representing descriptors and identifiers in the database had been studied and the relationship to other variables such as authors, publication year, and affiliation within the publication was determined. For this analysis, the "Tétralogie" software that applies statistical methods to measure the co-occurrence among words and represents this measure as distances in space was used. In this way, words can be visualized as points in space on a map. The maps and distances between words will represent the co-occurrence or affinity between keywords. The technological maps have shown networks of cooperation among researchers and institutions, as well as identification of "clusters" of authors and a hierarchy of the descriptive keywords. This approach for evaluation of science and technology demonstrated an extension of the traditional bibliometric analysis and showed that it could improve planning activities by identification of strategic actions pointing to where and how efforts for improvement in the field of health sciences should be directed.


ciências da saúde co-word analysis scientometrics cienciometria science and technology (s&t) bibliometrics análise bibliométrica bibliometric analysis brazil brasil ciência e tecnologia (c&t) avaliação da pesquisa científica bibliometria co-ocorrência de palavras health sciences scientific research evaluation

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