Aplicação da fotolise e fotocatalise heterogenea na desinfecção de aguas contaminadas com E.coli




Chlorine is the most utilized disinfectant in the world, which application shows some advantages as high efficiency and low cost. The discovery of carcinogenics subproducts in the water, as THMs (trihalometanes) result of the reaction of chlorine free with organic matter in the water, originated several research works to find alternative methods of disinfection to substitute chlorine, maintaining the same advantages and avoiding the formation of carcinogenics subproducts. Two of the resulting processes, the ultraviolet radiation and the heterogeneous fotocata1ysis are very efficient and are object of this research. This paper shows the disinfection of a special water by ultraviolet radiation and heterogeneous fotocatalysis with the objective of comparing the efficiency the process. The water was prepared in the laboratory with the same characteristics of the natural water.The results showed that these processes were very efficient when using water with high color, turbidity, and coliforms. However, the heterogeneous fotocatalysis is more efficient for shorter operation time, and consequently is a promising technology


fotocatalise abastecimento de agua escherichia coli saneamento

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