Aplicação da analise de modo e efeitos de falha potencial (FMEA) para avaliação de significancia de aspectos e impactos ambientais da industria ceramica




The aim of this work was to present, adapt and put into practice the method calIed FMEA, by checking its efficiency when evaluating the importance of environmental impacts. It is a decisive step in the implementation of a System of Environmental Management in an organization, since alI the folIowing phases wilI be affected by it. Five successful cases in wich FMEA was adapted and put into practice in large-scale organizations were presented. In order to reach the objectives established this dissertation, an adaptation of the method was tested in four ceramic tile industries in their main production phases. As for the obtained results, the method proved to be efficient because it shows, with precision, the relation the environmental aspect and impact have with the mo de and the effect of the failure presented, allowing the evaluation of the importance of the environmental impacts. On the other hand, if there is no professional and responsible integration of interests, the results wilI not be reliable, generating diversion of interests. The folIowing principal requisites were detected for an accurate evaluation of environmental impacts: the motivation of ranking members of the organization; the involvement of the technicians responsible for alI the areas related to environment; and mainly, everyone s commitment through environmental training and awareness programs for alI employees.


impacto ambiental ceramica

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