Aplicação associada do questionario SF 36, CRQ e indices espirometricos em mulheres asmaticas / Associated application of the SF 36 questionnaires and CRQ spirometric index in asthmatic women




The term quality of life has gained increasing importance in the scientific context. The aim of this study was too evaluate the quality of life in patients with asthma that are treated on asthma ambulatory Clinical Hospital of UNICAMP and compare the evaluation with Medical Outcome Study MOS Short-Form Health Survey questionnaire Short-Form Health Survey ? 36 (SF36), Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire (CRQ) and spirometric test of pulmonary (lung) function. For this, 23 female patients that are confirmed to be asthmatic by medical and physiotherapeutic methods are invited to participate for this study and subscribe all terms of UNICAMP ethical human committee. The SF 36 results show the bad respiratory conditions in patients indicating that need medical/physiotherapeutic intervention. By the way, the CRQ analysis indicate a limitation in pulmonary function represented by small indices of functional capacity, physical limitation, pain, health state, vitality, social aspects, emotional profile and mental health. These parameters suggest that alteration indicated in SF 36 reflect the CRQ profile. In context of the study, the spirometric value are smaller that predict values for asthmatic patients, and suggest that this profile are indicated in SF36 and CRQ. This study suggest that the symptomatology that characterizes the asthma are represented in this questionnaire that could be used like strategy in asthma diagnostic too. Keywords: Physical Therapy, Quality of life, Asthma, Espirometry


espirometry fisioterapia qualidade de vida espirometria quality of life asma asthma physical therapy

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