AplicaÃÃo da teoria das restriÃÃes para otimizaÃÃo dos sistemas de produÃÃo em uma empresa do setor quÃmico




Todayâs businesses environment are highly competitive. The organizations search for cost, quality and leadtime advantages. Now the company that not to strive to improve quality, reduce leadtime and cost and lower the working capital, will not survive. The Theory of Constraints consists in a tool created for system optimization. The Theory of Constraints was created in the beginning of eighties and has a basic issue that all system has at least one constraints and the systemâs gain is determined by the gain in the constraints. All organizations were created aiming to have profit today and always. The Theory of Constraints recognizes this goal and uses it in order to optimize the production systems. The Theory of Constraints is a holistic approach and strives for system improvement, instead of department improvement. This work was developed to use the Theory of Constraints concepts of chemical product manufacturing company. The main objective is to develop a method to identify and optimize the bottlenecks, in order to increase the gain, reduce material in process and reduce leadtime. This method was implemented in a chemical company presenting superiors results with increase in profit around 20% and Return on Investment around 35%


teoria das restriÃÃes otimizaÃÃo de sistemas gargalos engenharia de producao

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