Aparências valorizadas e contornos sublinhados: a construção do corpo e da imagem do docente televisivo na Fundação Universidade do Tocantins.




This dissertation is a study of the construction of the body and image of teachers at the Foundation University of Tocantins (UNITINS), prepared in television studios as objects of reverence and exhibition in contemporary society. Based on institutional and bibliograpic documents, the study presents a brief history of the origin of the university and the reasons that led it to opt for televised distance education, to understand the institutions perspective about the television studio and the elaboration of the body and image of its televised class teachers. The university encourages the production and perfection of the image of teachers, which is based on cultural values that emphasize the embellishment of the contemporary body, as a televised product to be consumed by students. Based on indications such as these, interviews with ten teachers allowed them to express their opinions about how they see and produce themselves in the television studios and what this practice involves for their personal life, in terms of the glamorization and exhibition of their image. The voices were systematized in thematic groups, which demonstrated the perplexity and fascination of seeing themselves on television and the different possibilities for improvement, from simple alterations of the body such as care for clothes, hair, makeup, use of creams, hygienic habits and diets, to alterations such as the application of Botox, and plastic surgery, always with the goal of embellishing and revitalizing appearance. Under the effect of turning their image on the screen into spectacles, the teachers report their experiences with the reverence and fascination from the students due to the idealization of their image, which is hyper-realized by the technical effects of the television studio. Among the desires to improve the body and the image, it was found that UNITINS concern for the appearance of the teachers is attributed to adapting the university to the universe of television studios, in such a way that this is not its greatest priority. The ability of the teachers to prepare their didactic contents and the education of the students is recognized as more important.


educacao unitins television studio image imagem docente spectacle unitins corpo espetáculo teacher estúdio body

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