Antropização da bacia hidrográfica do rio Miranda: alterações climáticas, recursos naturais e desenvolvimento




The present study it objectified to analyze the behavior of the meteorological parameters, identifying the climatic changes inside of the Hydrographic Basin of Miranda River and relating such changes to the deforestation taxes and its consequences for the local communities. The related changes are associates to the evolution of the deforestation modifying the natural vegetal covering of the region for the implantation of new agriculture and pasture areas. The analysis of use of the ground in the studied hydrographic basin cover the period of 1973 the 2006, being carried through from images of satellites in the years of 1973, 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2006, and evaluating the process of antropização of the area. In the analysis of the data of satellites, techniques of geoprocessamento for the attainment of the results had been used. The used hydrologics data in this study had been gotten of the National Water Agency, with 27 pluviometrics stations and 9 fluviometrics stations inside of the Hydrographic Basin of Miranda River. The studied variable had been the values of precipitation, outflow and river water level, in which it searchs to evaluate the trends presented for the data and its relations with the taxes of anthropogenic activities of the basin. Also the social and economic factor is analyzed, identifying its connection with the variation of the use of the ground in the basin. In last analysis, a quarrel of the compatibility necessity was developed being the systems of production and of conservation that contributes for the ambient sustentabilidade.


desenvolvimento local mudanças climáticas deforestation, climatc changes, natural resources and local development planejamento urbano e regional recursos naturais desmatamentos

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