Antioxidant effects (in vitro e in vivo) of flavonoids in Turnera diffusa and Turnera ulmifolia tea / Efeitos antioxidantes (in vitro e in vivo) de especies ricas em flavonoides pertencentes ao genero Turnera, familia Turneraceae




Turnera ulmifolia L. and Turnera diffusa Wild are known in folk medicine for treatment of several gastric diseases. Other studies have previously reported anti-ulcer activity and this relationship with your majority composition to be flavonoids. Natural flavonoids are known for scavenging properties on oxygen radicals in vivo and in vitro. The oxyradicals generated during the proposed episodes of ischemia-reperfusion provoke severe changes in mitochondria-generated ROS, induce peroxidation of the membrane lipids and oxidation -SH compounds. Therefore, agents that inhibit the oxidation thiol groups, as well as lipid peroxidation, may be of high pharmacological potential. This work showed activity antioxidant when used mitochondria systems in vitro, both species tea plants exhibited effect to inhibit lipid peroxidation and oxidation thiois proteins compounds induced by FeC^/ascorbic acid, succuiate/rotenone or CaCyinorganic phosphate (Pi). Our experiments in vivo demonstrated effect anti-ulcer and antioxidant to both species in models ischaemia-reperfUsion-ulcer-induced after administration orally tea T. diffusa e T. ulmifolia inhibit lesion ulcer index when compared with control group. And in gastric mucosa exhibited effect to inhibit lipid peroxidation or oxidation -SH total compounds. In model ethanol/HCl-ulcer-induced Turnera ulmifolia show effect anti-ulcer partial dependent to compounds SH and Turnera diffusa demonstrated to be independent effect anti-ulcer to SH compounds


flavonoides flavonoids mitochondria mitocondria gastric ulcer ulcera gastrica

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