Antagonismo de preparações homeopáticas na fotossíntese de plantas de Ruta graveolens (L.) / Antagonism of homeopathic preparations in the photosynthesis of Ruta graveolens (L.)




Hahnemann in his book The Organon, on the basis of a long time experimentation, reported that in human organisms similar medicines are antagonist to each other and so they loose effectivity. This statement is supported by experimentation in human body but there is no experimental data in plants. The objective of this research was to test the opposing actions of some homeopathic medicines and to obtain conceptual bases of the antagonism in order to develop homeopathic technologies for plants. The trials were conducted in the greenhouse and the Homeopathy Laboratory of Plant Science Department at Federal University of Viçosa, from august to December of 2005. The experiments follow the split plot model being the treatment in the plots and in the subplot was the determination time (10 minutes) and with 4 replicates. It was evaluated the effect of homeopathic preparations on CO2 assimilations of Ruta graveolens L. plants. Test solutions were the dilution of 4 mL of each homeopathic preparation per 1 L of distilled water being poured 1 mL over the soil at 1 cm around the plant. Along the trial, from 7 to 11 a.m. and after pouring the test solution CO2, assimilation data were taken each minute for 10 consecutive minutes by an Infrared Gas Analyzer (IRGA). Data were submitted to analysis of variance, mean test and regression through SAEG Statistical Analysis System which detected treatment influence on CO2 assimilation. The homeopathic treatment Apis mellifica 6CH did counteract pathogenesy effects caused previously in the same plant by Cantharis 4CH meaning that antagonism action did happen. The energy differences resulted from dynamization process of Ruta graveolens 3CH to 12CH homeopathic preparations were detected by plants as shown by CO2 assimilation rate.


photosynthesis homeopatia antagonism ruta graveolens antagonismo fitotecnia ruta graveolens homeopathy fotossíntese

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