Analyzes of information systems implementations in porty community. / Análise de sistemas de informação aplicados à gestão portuária.




This study analyzes and compares cases of information system implementations in port whose profiles are quite distinct, in order to raise the key factors for a successful IT implementation in the World Port Community. The theoretical background not only presents the foundation needed for the analyses, but also aims to expose the important differences that have characterized the society. The analysis of the record of implementations and of the present stage of the systems in the ports surveyed, through several interviews with users, has shown positive factors which must be maximized in any IT implementation. It has also shown negative factors that must be avoided in order to ensure a successful implementation. Compliance with the key factors is bound to guarantee a successful conclusion of projects which will bring about organizational changes through the implementation of IT systems in Port Community.


information systems sistema de informação gestão portuária porty community

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