Analytical methods for analysis of induction generators connected to eletric power distribution systems / Metodos analiticos para analise de geradores de indução conectados em redes de distribuição de energia eletrica




This thesis presents the development of analytical methods for analysis of squirrel-cage induction generators connected to distribution systems. It was developed analytical methods for evaluation of the following technical issues: large-disturbance stability analysis of induction generators; small-disturbance stability analysis of induction generators; determination of optimum resistances employed by energization devices of induction generators and development of formulas to determine the short-circuit currents of induction generators during unbalanced faults. The analytical methods developed were validated by comparing the results obtained by the proposed formulas with those determined by computational simulations employing typical programs of analysis of power systems and/or experimental tests. The results showed that the proposed analytical methods are enough accurate to evaluate the behavior of the squirrel-cage induction generators, reducing the usually necessary effort for analysis by computational simulations


short-circuit stability sistemas de energia eletrica - estabilidade induction generators distributed generation distribution system energia eletrica - produção energization geração distribuida de energia eletrica energia eletrica - distribuição transitorios (eletricidade) maquinas eletrica de indução

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