Analysis of the university-enterprise technological cooperation process: an exploratory study / Análise do processo de cooperação tecnólogica universidade-empresa: um estudo exploratório




“Analysis of the university-enterprise technological cooperation peocess: an Exploratory study” is a study showing that there has been a university-enterprise cooperation in Brazil, especially in science and technology, from an academic point of view. In order to show this, exploratory research has been carried out involving three major universities in this area as well as three enterprises that have done some joint research together with them. To develop the analysis, a basic conceptual model has been designed which adopts a division of the cooperation process in four parts: motivation, constraints and/or facilitators, the cooperation process itself and the resulting satisfaction. By carrying out such a study it was possible to visualize how the process, as a whole or depending on its parts, has been established. The results of this study have allowed to detect, as central motivators to the universities, the performance of their social role, the acquisition of practical knowledge and the addition of new information to the teaching and researching processes; to the enterprises, such motivators have been detected as the access to highly qualified human resources and the solution to technical problems. It has also been found the existence of intermediate agents and organizations in the cooperation process, which has got formal and informal personal relationships as well as agreements with a definite target as its main operational tools. Furthermore, this study highligths government research funds as the main existing facilitator in the university-enterprise cooperation process and the university geographical location, the bureaucracy of such institutions as well as the lengthiness of the project as the most remarkable constraints. Finally, it points out that the process has generated satisfaction among participants, which is reflected by the desire of the institutions to continue carrying out cooperative research. Based on the results of this study, a model to understand the cooperation between universities and enterprises at Brazilian universities has been developed, in which one can notice the factors linked to motivation, constraints, facilitators, the process itself and the resulting satisfaction. To conclude, the study indicates some measures to improve the process such as reduction of university bureaucracy, promulgation of university image and potential, an improvement on the relations between universities and enterprises, and a simpler process to get government research funds.


inovação tecnológica r&d management cooperação tecnológica universidade-empresa university-enterprise technological cooperation process gestão tecnológica technological innovation

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