Analysis of the social nets of incubadoras of companies located in regions of high technological density of the State of São Paulo / Análise das redes sociais de incubadoras de empresas localizadas em regiões de alta densidade tecnológica do Estado de São Paulo




To invest in the development of innovative companies has been a strategy contemporary adopted for countries in search of competitiveness increase. To stimulate the businessoriented innovation means to become the propitious environment the bloom of the creativity, the applied research and the technology transfer. Innovative companies have a narrow relation with technology, especially when the objective is to exceed the vanguard in terms of development of new products. Thus, to develop the innovation capacity, a nation must constitute one a institutional environment favorable in the direction to provide conditions for the expansion of the knowledge and the technological businesses. This is a basic condition without which isolated public or private initiatives become fragile. One of the strategies used for countries for the stimulation of the innovation is the implementation of projects of Technology Business Incubators - TBI, whose essence is to fortify and make possible the innovative business-oriented proposals, since its conception and organization, until its full integration with the market. Considering this context, this work was carried through in Technology Business Incubators, with the intention to identify and to characterize the nets formed for the institutions which the incubators have relations, searching the understanding of the results produced for these nets, in terms of benefits for the installed companies of technological base and for the proper TBI. The boarding of the institutional nets is based on the neo-institutionalism theory that, in contrast of the classic theory, considers the influence of social aspects in the economy. The study was developed through research applied in TBIs with more than ten years of operation, pertaining to the net of Technology Business Incubators supported by the Service of Support to the Micro and Small Companies of São Paulo - SEBRAE-SP, entity that foments the innovation and the technological development of enterprises of small transport in the State of São Paulo. For the collect of the data, interviews with the directors and managers of TBIs and companies had been carried through, in the direction of design the existing institutional relations and its characteristics. Ninety institutional actors in one hundred twelve ego-connections had been identified, what he allowed to conclude that the nets consisting around the TBIs have predominantly endogenous and distinguished characteristics, consisting half-closed systems, with little connection between itself, what he becomes slow its evolution as great net. To promote the acceleration of the growth the approach between the levels local, state, federal and international of the innovation system is necessary.


incubadora de empresas engenharia de producao inovações tecnológicas redes sociais uso de tecnologia (administração da produção) empreendedorismo

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