ANALYSIS OF THE IRRADIATION AND THERMAL TREATMENT COMBINED EFFECT IN THE QUALITY OF MANGOES FOR EXPORTATION / Análise do efeito combinado da irradiação e do tratamento hidrotérmico nas características de qualidade de mangas para exportação




In this research the effect of the hydrothermal treatment and irradiation as a combined method of food conservation and disinfestations was studied, searching to optimize the impact over the final product desired characteristics. Tommy Atkins mangoes from Brazil were submitted to a combined treatment: thermal treatment (46o C, 70 min and 52 oC, 5 min) and gamma irradiation treatment (doses 0,3 and 0,75 kGy). The fruits were stored at 11oC during 14 days and kept at an environmental condition for more 12 days, where their physicalchemical and sensorial properties were evaluated. As predicted by Oliveira (1998) the combined method of irradiation and thermal treatment showed better results then the individual methods in increasing the shelf-life.


mangas exportação irradiação tratamento quarentenàrio mangas irradiação banho térmico exportação tratamento quarentenàrio banho térmico

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