Analysis of the behavior of steel plate panels as structural and fence elements / Análise do comportamento de painéis de chapas de aço como elementos estruturais e de vedação




This research presents a proposal of constructive system on folded thin steel plates forming pre-manufactured panels, which are used as structural and fence elements of small popular houses, with the aim of having an efficient construction and low cost alternative. For the study of the behavior structural of panels, it is made initially a structure presizing according to the NBR 14762 (2001), in which columns are taken as structural parts from the joining of panels and the assessment of the stability of isolated plate as well. After that, numerical models were developed based on the finite element methods, using ANSYS software and the SHELL63 element for the analysis of the stability for the proposed system. In relation to the behavior of the panels as fence element it is made a comparative study concerning the diverse thermal materials used as isolation in constructions, with relation to the performance and cost issues. There are still presented a cost comparison among the constructive system proposed, the fence masonry and the whole wood fence systems.


estruturas de aço sistema construtivo painéis de parede pre-manufacture painéis metálicos aço - estrutura steel structures constructive system pré-fabricação engenharia civil chapas de metal metallic panels

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