Analysis of technical efficiency of expenditures with education, health public safety of municipalities of the state of Cearà / AnÃlise da eficiÃncia tÃcnica dos gastos com educaÃÃo, saÃde e seguranÃa pÃblica dos municÃpios do estado do cearÃ




This research seeks to evaluate the technical efficiency of municipal per capita spending on ducation, health, and safety for municipalities cearenses, covering the year 2005. For this, it ses the methodology of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), oriented input and constant eturns to scale, because they want to achieve results aimed to reduce public spending and eep the level of efficiency in service delivery to Cearà community. Accordingly, we can say that this empirical exercise to estimate the demand on technical efficiency, the efficiency cale as well as rank the cities analyzed according to these measures and, moreover, indicate hat the municipalities are considered as benchmark in each model. The results are somewhat interesting, because the model that adds inputs and products of education services, health, afety and showed 55% of the counties on the border of relative efficiency. Furthermore, the pecific models of Health, Education and Safety show a low technical efficiency in public social spending. The study concludes that there are some technical inefficiency regarding public spending municipal Cearà with health, education and security.


municÃpios cearenses public expenditure ciencias sociais aplicadas dea dea eficiÃncia tÃcnica gasto pÃblico technical efficiency municipalities cearenses

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