Analysis of methods for programming of page context classification. / Análise de métodos para programação de contextualização.




Internet services as news clipping service, anti-phising, anti-plagiarism service and other that require intensive searching in Internet have a difficult work, because of huge number of existing pages. Search Engines try driver this problem, but search engines methods retrieve a lot of irrelevant pages, some times thousands of pages and more powerful methods are necessary to drive this problem. Page content, subject, hyperlinks or location can be used to define page context and create a more powerful method that can retrieve more relevant pages, improving precision. Classification of page context is defined as classification of a page by a set of its feature. This report presents a study about Web Mining, Search Engines and application of web mining technologies to classify page context. Page context classification applied to search engines must solve the problem of irrelevant pages flood by allowing search engines retrieve pages of a context.


mineração de web mecanismos de busca information retrieval recuperação de informação web mining search engines

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