Analysis of Fire Risks in Urban Spaces Revitalized a Boarding in the Quarter of Recife / AnÃlise de riscos de incÃndio em espaÃos urbanos revitalizados : uma Abordagem no Bairro do Recife




This work, Fire Risk Analysis in Urban Space Revitalization â A Goal in Bairro of Recife, shows inside of the many objectives for a professional science dissertation model, an overview for the problem of fire risk analysis in urban space revitalization. Therefore, it is important for these assignments which consist of a utilization and diffusion in environment business of a tool which can be support in a study application of problem of risk management in urban spaces. This main objective which this work was done is start a new view of think about risk include urban space in towers in the countries, show that nothing has done in those urban spaces in term of investments, will be comprometiment from public government and private society. For this work we go two principal ways, which the first one is an critical analysis of Law of the Use and Occupation of Land on Towers of Recife with restriction just APGI â and the second is a Case of Study about an historical revitalization building in Bairro of Recife for analysis causes and consequences for the risks in space and building


engenharia de producao anÃlise, risco, incÃndio, espaÃo revitalizado risk fire revitalized space analysis

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