Analysis of consumer behaviour of open markets in the municipalities of Cascavel and Toledo - PR / AnÃlise do comportamento do consumidor das feiras livres nos municÃpios de Cascavel e de Toledo - PR




This study aims to identify the variables and characteristics that influence consumers in Cascavel and Toledo cities when they choose an open market as a way to retail for the purchase of food. The analysis identifies the factors that influence the process of choice by consumers, the similarities, and differences between the two cities surveyed, as well as the main products purchased. This type of research is important because the distribution chain selected by consumers for the purchase of food are directly related to the factors that determine consumer behavior, and such behavior is influenced by individual and environmental determinants that affect the buying decision. The research was conducted with consumers in the open markets of Cascavel and Toledo through a questionnaire with a probability sample. The socioeconomic consumers profile in the two cities is characterized by a majority of married women, the majority of them working outside the home, and with 3, 4 or 5 members in their families. Differences between the two cities occur on the issue of family income, in which Cascavel presents a higher income and an older age group, and Toledo the highest level of education. Both in Cascavel and Toledo there is no total loyalty by consumers, however, the open market products are considered "fresher", and the advantage is the quality of products which is the main motivation for the purchase in the two cities. The consumers also answered that the open markets are well located and the time they stay in this channel of distribution is approximately 15 to 30 minutes. The main differences are related to the purchases frequency, which is higher in Cascavel than in Toledo. Consumers from Cascavel spend more money in the open market and also consume or stay longer than consumers from Toledo.The correlation of variables indicates that the income is not the main variable of the choice process in the open market as a food distribution chain, and people who stays longer in the open market are not the ones who purchase more, indicating the fair as a mode of leisure. The main products purchased are FLV and food ready for consumption, at the fair and at home, as well as a variety of purchased products. Besides, consumers purchase, most of the times, more than one kind of product.Thus, it is recommended actions that could stimulate regional development through open markets in the two cities, with incentives for small producers. The open markets can be considered, in addition to distribution channels, a form of social interaction.


distribution chain canais de distribuiÃÃo economia do consumidor feiras livres food consumer comportamento do consumidor consumo alimentar consumer behavior open markets

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