Analysis implementation of lean manufacturing system in an automotive parts manufacturing enterprise. / ANÃLISE DA IMPLANTAÃÃO DE UM SISTEMA DE MANUFATURA ENXUTA EM UMA EMPRESA DE AUTOPEÃAS




In general, industries, mainly the big or medium ones, had already come across situations typically a result from being an overly productive company, meaning that they produce more than clients can absorb or in a rhythm above the required. They also are exposed to related situations such as deviation or distortion of production information, disorder of the factory floor and several other day-by-day problems. Such problems cause losses to the company, as they do not add value, because they do not really transform raw materials, thus modifying the form or the quality of the product. This study presents the benefits of employing the Lean Manufacturing concepts for the implementation of a new productive division, acting in corrective and preventive ways, thus contributing to waste reduction, with as reference the Toyota Production System, allied to the studied company’s own lean system. Practical methods for the elimination of waste potentials found in productive environments are also demonstrated through the results achieved, as well as the difference between the conventional manufacturing system which still is used by several companies, compared to those companies which adopted Lean Manufacturing as a working standard. This study focalizes the steps used for the implementation and the benefits achieved by the application of the principles of this philosophy.


manufatura enxuta kanban desperdÃcio administracao de empresas kanban waste just-in-time lean manufacturing just-in-time

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