Analyses of the satellite sounding data assimilation process and the impact on weather forecast using a physical-space statistical analysis system. / Análise do procedimento de assimilação de sondagens derivadas de satélites e de seu impacto na previsão de tempo utilizando um sistema estátístico em espaço físico




Many studies on evaluation of the impact of satellite sounding on forecasts, made by different institutions around the World, have shown that this kind of data are very important to improve the quality of weather forecasting in Southern Hemisphere. There are many methods of data assimilation and models of weather forecasting. In this study we used an adaptation of the Physical-Space Statistical Analysis System (PSAS), developed by Data Assimilation Office (DAO of NASA) with the Global Model of ?Centro de Previsão do Tempo e Estudos Climáticos? (CPTEC), which is designated GPSAS. This system was used to produce analyses and forecasts with two different data sets, one of these includes satellite sounding derived by Advanced TIROS Vertical Sounder (ATOVS). The two set of analyses and forecasts are then compared with the analysis of the National Centers for Enviromnent Prediction (NCEP) for different areas that included the Southern and Northern Hemispheres and regions around the Antarctic and South America. The GPSAS software itself, where the ATOVS data is processed, is also analysed. The results show that ATOVS data improve the quality of weather forecasting in the Southern Hemisphere. It is also observed that quality improvements can be obtained through adjustments of the coefficients and process of the GPSAS system.


análise de erro assimilação modelos atmosféricos error analysis análise estatística meteorologia previsão numérica do tempo numerical analysis atmospheric general circulation models análise numérica observações por satélites meteorology modelos atmosféricos de circulação geral statistical analysis sondagens por satélites numerical weather forecasting atmospheric models satellite sounding assimilation

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