Analogias, metáforas e aprendizagem significativa de física: um caminho para a construção da linguagem científica no cotidiano


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




It is understood that the student is surrounded by a social and technological environment where they interact with the environment and with each other, formulating their own concepts through common sense, characterizing facts that can influence their learning. The construction of concepts must be observed carefully because this is the only way to make sure the student understood the concept, if they are able to relate it to their prior knowledge and expose it, through their own words using for instance analogies and metaphors to their reality. In this point of view, the development of assessments should allow the use of freedom of expression of language built by the students, being it a paramount to make sure the learning really made sense and accommodation at the students cognitive system. The development of the teaching and learning in the school is prioritized enabling the construction of concepts and consequently the knowledge in a systematic way. This research was conducted in a public school in the state of Santa Catarina, using the principles of Meaningful Learning theory in physics (high school) and language as an essential tool in the process of knowledge construction. The process of teaching and learning included the contents of Electrostatics, and for the collection of data used the application of pre-test and post-test as a tool for classification and organization, which were analyzed by the method of Analysis Content. As the research was directed to, investigating the way, the analogies and metaphors are part of the development of the scientific language of high school students in learning process, the data collection included assessment tools, such as the proposal to develop parodies and description of theoretical questions by the students. Thus, it was necessary to verify the students previous knowledge, so that it serves as an organizer and could give sense to develop the new concept, together with the interaction of the learning process. The purpose of learning process was the construction of appropriate assimilation schemes


analogias metáforas linguagem conceitos aprendizagem significativa fisica física - estudo e ensino analogies metaphors language concepts meaningful learning

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